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Automate a higher cybersecurity standard for Higher Ed

From ransomware and denial of service attacks to data breaches and phishing, cyber threats are on the rise in higher education. And each successful threat has a significant impact on everything from enrollment to funding. As colleges and universities begin to modernize their technologies and establish higher standards of security, CIS Benchmarks and NIST 800-53 are providing the standardized roadmaps for reducing the attack surface and ensuring endpoint security.

If only institutions had the increased manpower and budgetary resources it takes to meet the urgency of the moment. The good news is that SteelCloud can help. SteelCloud’s ConfigOS automated compliance software extends your resources, routinely reducing 90% of the effort and 70% of the budget required to secure endpoints and combat both known and emerging cyber threats. No matter the size or type of higher education institution, ConfigOS guarantees a positive ROI and streamlines implementation without requiring a large team. It turns months of cybersecurity effort into less than a day’s work, from software installation to a secure baseline. And it pays for itself from the very first use.

ConfigOS is the same proven, patented tool leading government agencies and private businesses use to make cost-efficient work of mandated security protocols. Schedule a free ConfigOS demo today to see how quickly you can harden your systems, reduce your attack surface and teach the bad guys a lesson.

Education 1
While not yet mandated for Higher Ed, NIST 800-53 and CIS Benchmarks are essential for defending critical research, protecting personal information and keeping online services available in a world of hackers, phishers and ransomware.
Be Cybersecure
ConfigOS Automates Compliance
ConfigOS pays for itself from its first use.
It’s a no-brainer!

Now all that’s left is to experience it for yourself.